Past events
- Connect, learn and play events
- Connect, learn and play events – cooking sessions
- School holidays
- Connect, learn and play events
- Community Safety Program
- Cooking sessions
- Cultural
- Fitness Dance
- Good Things Foundation
- Hillview Community Program
- School holidays
- Others
- Personal development
- School holidays
- Social priority
- Be active, be healthy events: archery, kayaking, catamaran, badminton, rollerblading, glow in the dark mini golf, bowling, archery, ice-skating, golf, laser tag
- Building a COVID Safe Community event series
- Stress management, 22 May
- Avoid malnutrition during COVID, 25 May
- Community first aid training, 31 May
- Fall prevention and manual handling, 12 June
- School holidays
- Women helping women
- Expos